Many wonder how to learn Arabic to understand Quran because Arabic holds immense significance in Islamic culture as it is the language of the Quran. However, for many non-native speakers, the language can be challenging to learn.
At Almuhammadi Academy, we understand the benefits of learning Arabic language, and we are here to help you achieve your goal of understanding the Quran. In this blog post, we will provide you with some valuable tips and steps for learning the Arabic language to understand the Quran better.
Easy Way to Learn Quranic Arabic
You may find it hard to believe but learning Arabic could actually be a simple process, provided that you follow the correct path. Rest assured that if your intentions in learning Arabic to understand the Quran are sincere, then Allah SWT will provide you with all the means that are necessary. This is promised by Allah in the Quran in the verse:{ ولقد يسرنا القرآن للذكر فهل من مدكر}.
“And We have certainly made the Qur’an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?” “Surah Qamar“.
This doesn’t mean that understanding Quranic Arabic will happen overnight. On the contrary, it requires a high level of dedication, self-discipline, organization, and consistency but it is not impossible. You just need to follow the right method and this entails a process of trial and error to figure out the method that works best for you.
7 Best Ways to Learn Quranic Arabic
Therefore, the best way to learn Arabic to understand Quran requires you to follow these steps:

1. Find a Tutor
It is true that with the help of the internet, you can learn just about anything. However, self-learning is not sufficient here and it is highly recommended that you find a tutor that will help you in understanding Quranic Arabic.
Having an Arabic tutor will save you a lot of time instead of wandering by yourself. A qualified and experienced tutor will provide you with the knowledge and the tools that should enable you to learn Arabic for Quran.
Find a tutor that has the necessary qualifications such as deep knowledge of Arabic and Quranic studies, preferably with an Ijazah, and has excellent communication skills. The tutor must also be a skilled teacher who practices efficient teaching methodologies and incorporates different techniques and activities.
2. Start with the Basics:
You might be tempted to skip learning the basics of the language just to get to the point of learning Arabic to understand the Quran. Nevertheless, this will only be made possible by going through the basics such as Arabic letters and sounds and then moving up to word and sentence forming.
Starting with the basics could be boring at first but it is important to fight this feeling and go up in your learning journey step by step.
3. Learn Common Arabic Vocabulary
Just like any other language, Arabic is made up of words so you need these words in order to speak and understand that language. If you want to learn to understand Quran, you need to learn and memorize the words commonly used in Quranic Arabic. You will find these frequency lists available online.
Not only learning the words but also their different parts of speech (whether the word is a verb, noun, adjective, etc.) and their different singular and plural forms will provide you with a solid foundation upon which you can build your language skills.
4. Learn Arabic Grammar Gradually
Grammar is the backbone of the language and what ties it all together. Thus, it is only natural that learning grammar should go hand in hand with learning vocabulary. Mind you, Arabic has an abundance of grammar rules so it is important not to feel overwhelmed because you don’t have to learn them all at once.
You can use some textbooks such as “Al Arabiyyah Bayna Yadayk” which follows a specific system that consists of gradual steps from beginner to advanced and explains the grammar rules of Arabic in a clear and accessible manner.
5. Practice
Practicing the language makes up a huge part of mastering the language since theoretical knowledge isn’t enough on its own. You cannot expect to acquire a certain language without actually practicing the vocabulary and grammar you learnt.
Practice could take several forms such as speaking either with Arab natives or with an Arab tutor. The practice could also be done in the form of writing; use the vocabulary and grammar you learnt to write a paragraph or a short story.
6. Create your own Arabic language environment
You don’t need to travel to an Arabic-speaking country in order to understand Arabic. There’s no doubt that it could be useful but it is not the only method. You can surround yourself with the language through listening to Quran recitation or useful content in Arabic. Also, you can read stories or short books in Arabic.
In short, find your own ways to surround yourself with Arabic so that it becomes a part of your daily routine.
7. Create a Study Plan and Schedule
Being organized plays a pivotal role in learning languages, especially Arabic. Setting a study plan and schedule helps you take gradual steps as you move towards mastering the language and avoid setbacks and lack of discipline.
Work out a study schedule that is both organized but also flexible. Even if you skip one day, this doesn’t mean that you have to quit everything altogether.
Look for additional sources:
Understanding Quranic Arabic isn’t only dependent on traditional sources such as textbooks but you can also add many other sources for learning such as YouTube videos whether they are explanation videos or other forms of Islamic content on how to learn quranic Arabic.
Additional sources also include applications that help you learn Arabic vocabulary and grammar or keep you in touch with native Arabic speakers from different countries around the world. Do your research and find more about how you can use the internet to learn Arabic to understand Quran. Kids can enroll in arabic classes for kids to learn and understand Quranic Arabic from the beginning.
How long does it take to learn Quranic Arabic?
It all comes down to your level in Arabic and your level of dedication and self-discipline. This means that the period of time it takes for an individual to learn Arabic for Quran differs according to these factors.
Another important point to mention is that you don’t a high level of mastery in order to understand the Quran because getting to this level could be a lifelong journey. Instead, focus first on getting to a level where you are able to recite and understand the verse of the Quran. From this point, you can learn and study more to get to higher levels.
Start with your destination in mind! Visualize yourself reciting Quran properly and actually understanding the verses you’re reading with these best ways to learn arabic. You’re getting closer to Allah by understanding His Book. You no longer need to go back to the translation of every single word to understand the Quran. This will all make it worthwhile for you when you arrive at your destination.
Important FAQs
Is grammar necessary for knowing how to learn Arabic to read Quran?
Certainly! Learning Arabic grammar is a significant part of learning the language since Arabic follows this intricate system of rules. So as not to get overwhelmed with the grammar rules, focus at first on the basic rules that are commonly used in the Quran and when you fully understand them, move on to the rest.
Try not to focus entirely on studying grammar without practicing it. An alternative could be to study in a way similar to how babies learn to speak. They listen and imitate without actually knowing the rules. Practice this at first and it could have great results!
Are online Arabic classes a good option to learn how to read Quranic Arabic?
Online QuranicArabic lessons have definitely made learning Arabic much easier because it is more flexible regarding the time and it saves a lot more money. Online learning also gives you access to classes taught by native Arab tutors who are professional and experienced.
Should I learn classical or colloquial Arabic to know how to learn to read Quran in Arabic?
Quranic Arabic is classical Arabic. The Quran was first revealed to the Arabs of Quraysh in the language they used and that’s why they were better able to appreciate its miraculous nature. Therefore, learning colloquial Arabic isn’t helpful when it comes to understanding Quranic Arabic because it is very different from Quranic Arabic. Additionally, colloquial Arabic differs from one region to another and that’s what makes it confusing to learn because it isn’t fixed and it doesn’t follow systematic rules.