How to Improve Fluency in Quran Recitation?

How to Improve Fluency in Quran Recitation?

Every student who begins his Quranic journey always wonders: How to improve fluency in Quran recitation? We respond to the questions of all students around the world.

So Almuhammadi Academy provides methods and techniques such as controlling the breath, learning Quranic words, improving tajweed rules, and others to help them improve their recitation beautifully and fluently. 

We aim to achieve their goal at the end of the journey, as whoever recites the Quran well will be with the honorable and obedient scribes (angels).

12 Practical Tips to Improve Fluency in Quran Recitation

1. Focus on Your Recitation Rhythm

Reciting slowly and reassuringly helps improve the fluency of the recitation, so the reader begins to pay attention to the signs of pausing or continuing the verse. Also, pausing at the end of each verse helps to understand the meaning and continue smoothly and comfortably with the recitation without affectation. 

The more comfortable the recitation is for the reader, the better the rhythm of the recitation will be. This means that anyone can recite Quran beautifully and fluently.

2. Control Your Breath

Controlling breathing during recitation is one of the most important keys that help you improve your recitation. The student begins to inhale before he begins reading, so his lungs are full of air. Then, during his recitation, he begins to exhale. Take a deep breath, then do not release it all at once, but in stages. Train yourself to stand well when you stop breathing.

3. Set your Pitch 

Set your pitch by knowing when to raise your voice in recitation and when to lower it

Voice exercises help you have an ideal voice pitch while reciting the Quran, reciting more different Islamic sermons that give you noticeable strength in your voice, and other exercises.

4. Pronunciation (start from the letter, then a word to the whole surah)

Mastery begins with the letters and improving their pronunciation from their correct pronunciation. So you can read the Quranic word perfectly, then the verse, and in the end, you can read an entire surah fluently. Striving to recite the Quran correctly is a praiseworthy matter. And Allah will reward him, and his good deeds will increase.

5. Learn Quranic words

Learning Quranic words helps you quickly pronounce the words and verses correctly, and it is possible to learn the repeated Quranic words you read on one page, which makes it easier for you later to find a set of words that you are well acquainted with reading.

6. Apply and improve Tajweed rules

Tajweed is of great importance, as it is a set of rules that work to improve your performance of Quranic recitation, such as stopping, beginning, exits, extension, singing, assimilation, etc., which makes your recitation perfect and correct. 

Tajweed and correct recitation also help you understand the meaning of the verses, which makes it easy to act according to what is stated in the Holy Quran, and then you will be from Allah’s people and His special ones.

7. Continuous Practice every day

You must make the Quran a daily part of your life, even if it is a page, so it will be part of your daily routine, and it is possible to start your day with it before you get busy with your daily affairs.

Allah Almighty will bless your day and give you reassurance in your soul and heart, for the Quran will come on the Day of Resurrection as an intercessor for its companions.

8. Record Recitation

Recording your recitation and listening to it again helps you discover mistakes and work to improve them, and with continuity, your recitation will improve. If you cannot identify your mistakes, it is possible to compare your recitation with hearing a sheikh on an app or YouTube, discover your mistakes, and improve them.

9. Repeating skill for the verses

Repetition is considered one of the keys to achieving mastery and fluency in any learning, especially in the recitation of the Holy Quran. It is necessary to repeat until you reach mastery, whether in recitation or memorization later, so that what you have learned is transferred from short-term memory to long-term memory, thus avoiding mistakes. 

For example, you should read one or more pages more than once a day, so reading the page will be easy later on and will not take you a long time because you have trained sufficiently from the beginning.

10. Listen to famous readers

Listening to famous reciters of the Holy Quran first is Sheikh Mahmoud Khalil Al-Husari. He pays attention to pronouncing each letter according to its origin. Thus, the recipient can learn the origins of the letters without diverting his mind to the tones of the sound.

It is noted that after a period of frequent listening to famous reciters, the sound acquires the same sound without the recipient making any effort or trouble to imitate it. By following qari and his practices you can also become a qari of Quran.

11. Follow the sunnah of the Prophet in Recitation

The recitation of the Prophet (PBUH) was verse by verse; stopping at the end of the verses, even if they relate to what comes after them. Some readers decided to stop when the ayah ended and follow the guidance of the Prophet according to his Sunnah.

According to the Prophet’s guidance, he was listening to the Quran, having humility, crying when reading and listening to it, and improving his voice with it.

12. Seek the help of a Quran tutor

Hiring a certified and skilled tutor will further improve your recitation in the online quran recitation course. The tutor improves your weak points, monitors your level, and helps you use appropriate and effective methods that bring you to the level of fluency and mastery, which shortens a long path for you to search.

Mistakes To Avoid While Reciting the Quran

The melody is meant here as a mistake in reading. According to readers, it is divided into two parts: clear and hidden.

A. Clear (Major) mistake: that affects the words and disrupts the meaning; for example, grammatical mistakes that lead to a change in meaning

B. Hidden (Minor) mistake: that affects the words but does not disturb the meaning, such as leaving out the ghunna or madd and other rulings.

When a student makes a lot of mistakes, they should follow the following:

 First: You can use your writing skills.

Second: Copy the word individually on a white sheet of paper as it appears in the Quran, writing only the vowel in which you make a mistake.

 Third: Hearing it from the sheikh, then recording it in her voice, and then repeating the word more than once.

Three speeds for reciting the Holy Quran

  1. Al-Tahqeeq: Slowness in recitation
  2. Al-Tadweer: Mediating the speed of recitation
  3. Al-Hadr: Reading the Quran quickly without missing letters

Thus, it is clear that it is permissible to read at the three speeds, and the scholars did not say that any of them is an innovation. This is because reading is a practiced and frequently followed Sunnah that the sheikhs took from their sheikhs to the Prophet (PBUH).

Note: It is recommended for master recitation to join our online Tajweed classes with certified Quran tutors. 


Given the importance of mastering the recitation of the Holy Quran and working to improve it, it is the main concern of everyone who begins their Quranic journey. We have presented many methods that will help you. It is possible that you join our Arabic language courses so that you become stronger at reciting the Quran and memorizing it during your journey.

Important FAQs

Q1. How long does it take to learn to recite Quran?

This depends on your abilities and skills, as well as on the daily schedule that you set for learning recitation. It may take months or even years.

Q2. What is the strategy of recitation?

Teaching the Holy Quran gradually in the Arabic alphabet, then focusing on correct recitation (tajweed rules) and appropriate use of methods and ways to improve recitation.

Q3. How to read the Quran slowly?

Pausing at the end of each verse helps you carefully consider each word being read with ease, just as taking a breath helps you to read quran fluently and beautifully.