Basic Tajweed for Non-Arabic Speakers

Learning the rules of Tajweed contributes to a deeper understanding of the Holy Quran and strengthens the connection to understanding and applying the Holy Quran. The basic tajweed rules for non-Arabic speakers include Qalqalah, Ghunnah, Noon saakinah, Tanween, Meem saakinah, and the rules of Madd. Let us begin to detail these important basic rules for correct recitation.

Essential Basic Tajweed Rules for Non-Arabic Speakers

1. Qalqalah

Qalqalah refers to the echoing or shaking sound produced when certain letters are pronounced with Sukoon, which indicates no vowel sound (fathah, dammah, kasrah). 

Qalqalah adds clearness to specific letters in the recitation of the Quran. Its objective is not just to confirm correct pronunciation, but also to enrich the beauty and rhythm of the recitation.


When we read the words such as الفلق, خلق, and وقب in Surah Al-Falaq, We must stand on the last letter with saakin letter and make the sound of qalqalah.

2. Ghunnah

Ghunnah (nasalization) produces airflow that is partially diverted through the nose when the vocal cords vibrate. Ghunnah particularly applies to the letters ن (Noon) and م (Meem), especially when they have a Shaddah or occur in a Noon Sakinah or Meem Sakinah form. 

Ghunnah adds a special extent to quran recitation, giving it a rhythmic quality.


We make ghunnah when we read the following Quranic words in Surah Al-Asr, “إِنَّ ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ لَفِی خُسۡرٍ” ” and also in Surah Al-Qari’ah, “ وَأَمَّا مَنۡ خَفَّتۡ مَوَ ⁠زِینُهُۥ “.

3. Noon saakinah and Tanween Rules

Noon saakinah refers to the letter ن without any accompanying vowel sound. Tanween refers to the diacritical marks in Arabic placed above specific letters to show the nasal ending sound followed by a short vowel.

It is necessary to master the Noon Sakinah and Tanween, to maintain the accuracy and purity of the Arabic language’s sound, which stops the mistakes that may occur and lead to changing the meaning of Quranic words.


we follow the rules of noon saakinah and tanween when we read the following Quranic words in surah Az-Zumar “وَمَنْ يُضْلِلِ اللَّهُ فَما لَهُ مِنْ هاد” and also in surah Al-Baqarah “أُولئِكَ عَلى هُدىً مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ”.

4. Meem saakinah Rules

Meem Saakinah applies to the letter “Meem” (م) when it occurs with a sukoon  during stopping or continuing. Meem Saakinah is a meem that does not take any of the three vowels (fatha, kasra, or damma) on it. 

Accuracy in pronouncing the meem sakinah is essential for the correctness and beauty of the recitation.


we apply meem saakinah rules when we read the following Quranic words in surah Al-Fil “تَرْمِيهِم بِحِجَارَةٍ مِّن سِجِّيلٍ” and also in surah An-Naml “ بَلْ هُمْ قَوْمٌ يَعْدِلُون”.

5. Rules of Madd in the Quran

Madd means prolongation of specific sounds when pronouncing specific letters. There are two types of Madd; Madd Asli/Tabi’ee (Natural Madd)  and Madd Far’ee (Secondary Madd). Madd Asli has three short vowel marks ” Fatha (ـَ), Damma (ـُ), and Kasra (ـِ). Secondary Madd, also known as Madd Far’ee uses vowel elongation with the presence of either Hamza or Sukoon. 

Madd is very significant and enhances the beauty and richness of the language.


We follow Madd rules when we read the Quranic words in surah Al-Hujurat “يُنَادُونَكَ ”, and surah Al-Haqqah “الْحَاقَّةُ”.

Note: Almuhammadi Academy offers online tajweed course suitable for all levels, making it an excellent choice for those who want to learn Tajweed. Our tajweed lessons for beginners virtually cover the rules of Tajweed, providing you with the knowledge necessary to master your Quranic recitation.

Why is it crucial to learn the basics of Tajweed for non-Arabic speakers?

Learning Tajweed for non-Arabic speakers is an important process for people who are interested in reciting the Holy Quran correctly and beautifully. Tajweed is an essential part of the recitation of the Holy Quran. Loss to achieve correct recitation leads to changing the meaning of Quranic words.

Therefore, non-Arabic speaking students must understand the rules of Tajweed and Arabic linguistic sounds and apply them accurately.

Non-Arabic speakers face many challenges and difficulties in learning Tajweed, including learning Arabic sounds, vowels, and consonants perfectly. Learning these sounds requires continuous training and practice, and it may take time for non-Arabic speakers to get mastered to pronounce them correctly.


Many non-Arabic speakers want to improve their recitation of the Holy Quran, and many of them face many difficulties in mastering the rules of Tajweed. Almuhammadi Academy explained the importance of Tajweed for non-Arabic speakers and knowing the basics of its rules for correct recitation. We also referred to these rules that must be known well so that the student avoids making recitation mistakes and changing the meaning.

Almuhammadi Academy provides tajweed teachers with many years of experience for non-Arabic speakers to teach the rules of Tajweed and correct recitation.