What Are Madd Rules in Quran and Its example

The Quran is the primary source of legislation for the Islamic religion and is the ideal constitution for human life. It was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), so it must be read in the correct way in which it was revealed, following the rules of Tajweed related to it, and not as a normal reading like any other book.

If you want to know the rules that must be followed in the Madd and types in the Holy Quran, you must follow the following rules explained with explanations and examples in online tajweed classes.

What is Madd in the Quran?

Madd means extra and increasing, i.e. prolonging the sound with a letter of the madd letters.

What are 3 Madd letters?

Three letters Alif, Waaw, Yaa (ا , و , ي) are collected in the Arabic word نُوحِيهَا

1. If Alif Saakinah is preceded by a fatha sign, it will remain sakinah without any vowel harakah on it and be prolonged for two counts.

   ✅ Examples:  البَاطل ، قَال ، الإنْسَان 

2. If Waaw Saakinah is preceded by a dammah sign, it will remain sakinah without any vowel harakah on it and be prolonged for two counts.

    ✅ Examples:  قالُوْا، يقُوْل ، تَكُونُ 

3. If Yaa Saakinah is preceded by a kasrah sign, it will remain sakinah without any vowel harakah on it and be prolonged for two counts.

   ✅ Examples:  الذِي، قِيْل، دِينَهُم    

Rules of Madd in the Quran

Two types of Madd in the Quran:

1. Madd Asli/Tabi’ee (Natural Madd)      2. Madd Far’ee (Secondary Madd)

1. Madd Asli/Tabi’ee (Natural Madd)

It is the madd does not stop due to a hamzah or a sukoon.

Rather, it is sufficient for it to have one of the three madd letters with their conditions combined in the word  نُوحِيهَا (Hud: 49), without it being followed by a hamza or sukoon. So, Madd Asli can be divided into several sections, as follows:

1. Madd Tabi’ee during wasl (continuing) and waqf (stop)

Madd Tabi’ee in the spelling of the opening verses of some surahs. Included in madd tabi’ee is the group of letters “حي طهر”, which are letters that start some surahs of the Qur’an. If any one of these letters is at the beginning of a surah, the letter is read with a madd tabi’ee

Example:  طه 

In this example; the letter Taa’ is pronounced as 2 letters (طا) i.e. the second letter is a madd letter in two counts during wasl and waqf.

Another example is in the letters pronounced as “ها” و”يا” in the opening verse of surah Maryam: كهيعص

2. Madd Tabi’ee during waqf (stop) without wasl (continuing)

A. The seven Alifs

The seven Alifs are mentioned in some verses of the Quran, and are formed with a rectangular sukoon on it.

It is prolonged for two counts during stopping on it.

Examples: أنا – لكنا- الظنونا -الرسولا- السبيلا- قواريرا- سلاسلا

B. Madd Al Iwad 

It is substituting a lengthened alif for the tanween with a fatha sign for two counts during stopping on it. 

Examples: بنَاءَ – مَاءَ – هُدًى – مُسَمًّى – شَكُورًا

3. Madd Tabi’ee during wasl (continuing) without waqf (stop)

Maad Sila Sughra (The Lesser Connecting madd)

It is a madd that comes from the pronoun haa which is not part of the original makeup of the word, representing the third person, male and voweled with a dammah or a kasrah  between two voweled letters, and not followed by a hamzah. 

If there is dammah or kasrah, it becomes lengthened into a lengthened waaw or yaa during continuing for two counts. But When stopping on the pronoun haa we stop with a regular sukoon and madd Sila Sughra is dropped.

  Examples: إِنَّ هَذِهِ، تَذْكِرَةٌ –  إِنَّهُ كَانَ بِعِبَادِهِ، خَبِيرًا بَصِيرًا

2. Madd Far’ee (Secondary Madd)

It is a lengthening that has a longer timing than that of the natural madd due to a hamzah or a sukoon. The madd letters, without this hamzah or sukoon stand on their normal.

The occurrence of a hamzah before the madd letter or after it, or a sukoon after it, regardless if the sukoon is permanent (when continuing and when stopping), or if the sukoon is a presented one.

It is divided into two groups: 1. Madd Faree due to Hamza  2. Madd Faree due to Sukoon:

1. Madd Faree due to Hamza 

A. Madd Wajib Muttasil (The Required attached lengthening)

It is called wajib because all readers agree that this madd is required. It is called muttasil due to the attachment of the madd letter and the hamzah to the same word.

 It is lengthened to four, or five, or six vowel counts.

Examples:  فَكُلُوهُ هَنيئًا مَّرِيئًا  – وَلَقَدْ جَاءَكُم مُّوسَى 

B. Madd Ju’iz Munfasil (The Separate Allowed Lengthening) 

It occurs when a madd letter is the last letter of the word, and the hamzah is the first letter of the next word, meaning they are in separate words, but next to each other.

Its shortening is allowed (two vowel counts) and its lengthening is of the measure of four or six vowel counts. 

Examples: فَرَدُّوا أَيْدِيَهُمْ فِي أَفْوَاهِهِمْ  – تَبَّتْ يَدَا أَبِي لَهَبٍ وَنَبَّ 

C. Madd Sila Koubra (The Greater Connecting Lengthening)

If the pronoun haa at the end of a word has a vowel of a dammah or a kasrah, and is between two voweled letters, and the first letter of the next word is a hamzah, 

It is permissible to lengthen it four, or five counts. This madd follows madd ju’iz munfasil in vowel counts. The second haa in the word follows the same rules as the pronoun haa in this madd.

Examples: أَيَحْسَبُ أَن لَّمْ يَرَهُ أَحَدٌ – وَلَا يُشْرِكْ بِعِبَادَةِ رَبِّهِ أَحَدًا 

D. Madd Badal (Exchange lengthening)

The letter hamzah precedes the madd letter. It is called madd Badal because of the exchange of a madd letter for a hamzah. Word have two hamzas, the first has a vowel and the second a sukoon which is changed into a madd letter from the category of the vowel of the first hamzah.

If the first hamzah has a kasrah the second hamzah changes into a yaa and if the first hamzah has a dammah the second hamzah becomes a waaw.

This madd is lengthened for two counts (or two vowel lengths) with all of the different types of readers. 

Examples:  أُوذُوا –  إِيمَنكُمْ – ءَادَم

2. Madd Faree due to Sukoon

A. Madd ‘Arid lil-sukun 

Lengthening because of the sukoon from pausing on the word.

This madd is prolonged for two, or four, or six counts when stopping on it. When continuing, the last letter is read with a vowel and the madd letter is lengthened with two vowel counts.

Examples: قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ – الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ 

B. Madd Leen (The soft lengthening)

Leen letter is waaw or yaa with a sukoon that is preceded by a letter with a fathah only in the same word and we stop on the word with a sukoon.

 It is allowed to lengthen this madd two or five, or six vowel counts when stopping on the word. 

Examples: لا يلَفِ قريش – كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ 

C. Madd Lazim (The Compulsory Lengthening)

Sukoon is placed after a madd letter, in a word or a letter. It is divided into four divisions, as follows:

1.  Madd Kalimi Muthaqqal (Compulsory Heavy Lengthening in Word) 

An original sukoon found and shaddah comes after a madd letter in a word, and the two letters have merged when the reader stops or continues.

It is Compulsory to prolong this madd for six counts. 

Examples:   الْحَاقَّهُ – دَابَّةٍ –  الضَّالِّينَ 

2. Madd Kalimi Mukhaffaf (The Compulsory Light Lengthening in a Word) 

There is an original sukoon after madd letter and no shaddah on it. The word means not merged. This refers to the letter with the sukoon that follows the madd letter.

It is Compulsory to prolong this madd for six counts. 

There are only two places of occurrence of this kind of lengthening in the Quran

Examples:      ءَاۤلۡـَٔـٰنَ وَقَدۡ عَصَیۡتَ قَبۡلُ

              ءَاۤلۡـَٔـٰنَ وَقَدۡ كُنتُم بِهِۦ تَسۡتَعۡجِلُونَ

3. Madd Harfi Muthaqqal (Compulsory Heavy Lengthening in a letter)

This type of lengthening occurs when a letter of the “كم عسل نقص” group of letters that begin some of the surahs has the last letter of the three letter word representing the individual letter, merging into the letter that comes after it. 

It is Compulsory to prolong this madd for six counts. 

Example: الۤمۤ

4. Madd Harfi Mukhaffaf (Compulsory light Lengthening in a letter)

The letters of the group “كم عسل نقص” are each individually read as a three-letter word, the middle letter being madd and the third letter having an original (or permanent) sukoon. In the case of the Mukhaffaf letter, it is not merged into the letter that comes after it. 

It is Compulsory to prolong this madd for six counts. 

Example: الۤرۚ


After we finished presenting and clarifying all the rules related to the mudood in Tajweed, including its various original and secondary types, the mudood is one of the important and basic quran reading rules. You must be familiar with all the rules of the mudood to be able to recite the Quran correctly, and our skilled teachers in the Holy Quran classes will help you with this. 

Start your Quranic journey with us from now until you read the Quran correctly and master all the Tajweed rules in online quran recitation course.