As a parent, you are responsible for providing your child with a survival toolkit of the necessary knowledge they need. One of the most fundamental aspects is to know how to teach Islam to children. This is a sacred duty that lies upon your children but the fruits of your success will be worth it.
Teaching kids about the love of Allah and prophets, encouraging them to worship, telling them Islamic stories, allowing them to ask questions, and enrolling them in islamic studies for kids so that they can learn and understand Islam properly.
8 Tips to Teach Kids About Islam
Sharing Islamic knowledge with your child is a significant duty that should be given the utmost attention of parents. Therefore, Almuhammadi Academy has provided these tips to help you introduce basic Islamic knowledge for toddlers:
1. Nurture the love of Allah and His Prophet in their hearts
Introducing your child to the principles of Islam requires that they do it out of love for Allah and His Prophet PBUH, so it is essential to foster that love at a young age. Tell them about the acts of worship and the kinds of people that Allah is pleased with and encourage them to follow by mentioning the reward that awaits them in Jannah if they do so. Always tell them about Prophet Muhammad’s compassion and mercy with adults, children, and animals.
2. Get Your Child a customized Islamic kit
It has become more available through online purchases to get your child a customized Islamic kit. This could include a prayer mat in their favorite color, a calendar to mark the day they fasted in Ramadan and a progress log to record their good and righteous behaviors and reward them for it. This makes the experience of teaching Islam to toddlers more fun, engaging, and motivating for your child.
3. Practice Acts of Worship Together
Engage in acts of worship together such as performing congregational prayer, fasting Ramadan or giving Sadaqah to those in need. Kids like to imitate their parents’ behavior and practicing acts of worship together enhances their application of Islamic knowledge.
4. Tell the Stories of the Prophet’s Companions
Another role model that you should introduce to your child is the example of the Prophet’s righteous companions because they provide a practical application of Islam in addition to asking some of the questions that might be on your child’s mind and receiving a compelling answer from the Prophet PBUH.
Their example helps to provide your child with the Islamic teachings of compassion, justice, and integrity while providing them with the motivation to follow through with these teachings.
5. Use Simple Words
While this could be quite challenging, try your best to convey the teachings and principles of Islam using simple terms in a way that helps your child to understand and actively engage with them. Incorporate pictures, pop-up books, videos, and other means to instruct your child about Islam without having to use difficult and complex words.
6. Encourage them to Ask Questions
Some parents get bored and annoyed by their children’s questions but be careful not to discourage your child’s inquisitive skills. Asking questions gives way to a better and clearer understanding of Islam and encourages your child to analyze the information they receive. Consequently, answering your child’s questions leads them to have a stronger faith that is based on a clear understanding of the principles of Islam.
7. Make it enjoyable (videos, games and worksheets)
Remember that at the end of the day, they are still children and they always want to have fun. Thus, make sure to make Islamic teaching for child fun and enjoyable by incorporating videos of Islamic stories in addition to fun games and worksheets to make this knowledge stick in their minds.
8- Celebrate Islamic Holidays
While the environment you live in may encourage celebrations of holidays such as Halloween and Christmas, you should stress to your child the necessity of celebrating Islamic events and holidays. Tell them about the month of Ramadan and the great battles that Muslims fought in this month, celebrate the beginning of the Islamic year, and highlight the practices of Sunnah in celebrating Eid.
How to Introduce Islam to a Child

This section aims to lay the path for you as a parent to efficiently introduce Islam to your kids by following these practical steps:
1. Start by Teaching Them about Allah
The very first thing you should introduce to your child is knowledge of Allah SWT. Since every part of creation points directly to its creator, use different facets of nature such as trees, the sky, the rain and the mountains to guide them to the Creator SWT. It is also useful to point out Allah’s love and mercy in His creation, especially in the animal kingdom by teaching your child about the mercy that Allah instills in the mothers to protect and care for their children.
2. Teach them the 6 Pillars of Iman
Another fundamental feature is found in teaching your child about the 6 pillars of iman and the five pillars of Islam & which are the basic acts of worship that all Muslims must perform such as Shahadah, prayer, fasting, Zakat, and pilgrimage. Join your child in practicing these five pillars so they have a role model to follow.
3. Help them Memorize Short Surahs of the Quran
If you want to make teaching Islam to toddlers easier and much more effective, you should make sure that your child memorizes short Surahs of the Quran because they include great teachings to engrave in your child’s mind and soul as well as knowledge about God and the Day of Judgment. Enroll them in hifz classes for kids program so that their kids can start memorizing the Quran at a young age.
4. Practice the Manners of Islam
A great way of teaching your kids about Islam is by practical actions. That is applying the morals of honesty, integrity, and justice to their behaviors. It is so important to practice them yourselves as parents because if your child sees you do otherwise, they are not likely to act upon them. With the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah, teach them how a Muslim is supposed to behave and deal with other members of the community.
5. Go together to the Masjid
The Masjid is a perfect environment for you to introduce Islam to your child because you can teach them how to pray, the importance of congregational prayer and to make them active members of the Muslim community.
Teaching Islam to a child might get challenging at times but you should never overlook the reward you reap for yourself and the fruit of your strenuous efforts with your children to make them better Muslims in the future.
The task of teaching your child about Islam is not an easy one to tackle but you should take advantage of the amazing opportunity that lies ahead since your child is at a perfect age to receive and retain this knowledge and as a result, internalize it and begin to practice it in their attitudes and behaviors. So, don’t lose motivation, and never give up this glorious duty!
Important FAQs
Q1. What to teach 5-year-olds about Islam?
At this age, you should center your attention on introducing essential and basic Islamic concepts such as the belief in Allah, the only God worthy of worship, and the belief in His Messenger PBUH.
You should also teach them about the five pillars of Islam, the life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, how to pray, and some Islamic values.
Q2. How to teach a 2-year-old Islam?
It is possible to teach a two-year-old about Islam but it is important to use simple language and make the lessons short and engaging. Use daily practices such as eating to introduce Islamic teachings such as saying Bismillah before eating.
Nature walks work wonders when it comes to teaching them about Allah and His creation as well as telling them stories from the life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and other prophets.
Q3. How do you introduce Allah to a child?
Teaching your child about Allah can be approached through various ways such as introducing them to the names and attributes of Allah by simply explaining their meanings and linking them to daily situations. Also, establishing a connection between your child and Allah through contemplating His creation is significant and can be done through nature walks. Use verses of the Quran and Hadiths of the Prophet to teach your kid about Allah’s love and mercy and guide them to the kind of acts that Allah is pleased with.