How to Recite Quran with Tajweed

Recitation of the Quran, meant by proper recitation, is to clarify the letters and be careful in reciting them to be more conducive to understanding their meanings. It also means giving each letter its makhraj and sifaa. All students want to read the Holy Quran correctly and perfectly, and we are here to help them with that in practical ways.

10 Practical Guidance for Reciting the Quran with the Correct Tajweed

Here are some practical methods that the reader takes to read the Quran correctly and perfectly with tajweed.

1. Reciting the Quran aloud in a Melodious Voice

The legal texts indicate that improving one’s voice by reading the Quran is required and desirable. Whoever improves his voice when reciting the Quran without effort, in compliance with the command of the Sharia to influence the verses in the hearts of the listeners and to soften them with them, provided that all of that is sincere for the sake of Allah- the Almighty.

Reciting the Quran aloud in a melodious voice is known as lengthening and improving the voice when reading the Holy Quran. Some indicate that it helps increase humility and contemplation and attract listeners to the words of Allah Almighty, but some warn of the danger of getting carried away with singing excessively, which leads to affectation, artificiality, and taking the letters out of their makhraj, which affects the correctness of the reading and takes it outside the limits of correct tajweed.

2. Identify the Rules of Waqf and the Necessity of Ibtida’

The rulings on stopping and beginning are considered among the most important topics in the science of Tajweed that the reader should pay attention to and master. By knowing and applying them, the meanings of the verses become clear to the reader and listener.

Knowing the Quran is knowing the stopping and beginning, as no one can know the meaning of the Quran except by knowing the commas. This is the first evidence that it must be learned and taught. We will present types of stopping as follows:

  • Permissible optional stopping: it is a stop based on what has been determined. It is divided into:
  • Forbidden, impermissible, or objectionable voluntary stopping: it is a stop on something whose meaning has not been fulfilled.

3. Applying the Rules of Madd and its Types

Madd refers to the prolongation and increase in pronunciation, as when someone says, “The rope was extended,” meaning the rope was long. In terms of recitation, it involves prolonging the time of pronouncing one of the natural or soft letters of the vowel for a specific reason.

This is the essence of the madd rules—they guide how and when this prolongation occurs, which contrasts with shortening, where there is confinement, prevention, and no extension at all. In natural madd, the prolongation typically lasts for two counts.

Madd tabee’ee letters consist of three letters, which are:

  • Alif sakinah which is preceded by a letter with fathah on it

Ex: (قَال، حَال، مَالك).

  • Waw sakinah which is preceded by a letter with dammah on it.

 Ex: (يقُول، يعملُون، يؤمنُون). 

  • Yaa sakinah which is preceded by a letter with kasrah on it.

Ex: (قِيل، الرحِيم، الدِّين).

  • The two letters of Madd Al-Lain are: waw is preceded with a fathah on it.

 Ex: (يَوم، نَوم، قَول، خَوف). 

  • And yaa sakinah is preceded with a fathah on it.

 Ex: (رَيب، البَيت، قرَيش، اللَّيل). 

As for madd far’ee, it is divided into two parts: those whose lengthening is caused by a hamza and those whose lengthening is caused by sukoon.

4. Mastering the Quranic Stop Signs

There are many pausing signs in the Holy Quran. They have great importance when reading the Holy Quran. These signs have become inherent in the script of the Quran, in addition to pausing at the end of the verses. These signs are the following: 

  • مـ: means the necessity of stopping 
  • لا: It means a forbidden stop or a prohibition stop
  • ج: It means that the reader may pause and connect 
  • صلي: It means that the reciter may stop, although connecting is better and more important 
  • قلي: It means that it is permissible for the reader to connect, although stopping is better and more important

5. Know the Rules of Noon and Meem Sakinah and Tanween

The rulings on the letters Noon Sakinah, Tanween, and Meem Sakinah mean the rulings that determine the method of pronouncing the letter noon sakinah, or tanween, and meem sakinah when reading the Quran. 

What is meant by a sakina noon is a noon devoid of vowels, and tanween appears at the end of the word, such as two fathah, two kasrah, or two dammah, and its rulings are divided into four rulings, explained as follows: Ith-haar-Idgham-Ikhfaa-Iqlab

Rulings of Meem sakinah is defined as a meem that is silent as a stop and a connection. It may come in the middle of a word or at its end in a noun, verb, or letter. Three rulings relate to the sakenah meem, explained as follows: ith-haar shafawee, idgham shafawee, and ikhfaa shafawee.

6. Differentiating Between Mufakham Letters and Murqaqah Letters

“Tafkhim and Taraqiq in the Holy Quran” are of great importance in mastering recitation because of their close connection in dividing the letters into amplification and thinning in terms of origin and sifah.

Tajweed scholars have explained that tafkhim is the thickening of the letter, and they agreed that the tafkhim letters are always the seven letters, as follows (خص ضغط قظ)

Taraqiq letters are letters of istifaal, Except for alif and the lam in the name of Allah, and the letter ra’, because they are letters which sometimes muraqaqah and mufakhamah at other times.

7. Control and Lengthen Breathing During Recitation 

Correct breathing involves taking the breath in through the nose and exhaling it through the mouth but most people use their mouth to inhale and exhale simultaneously as a result of incorrect habits. Therefore, the reader must accustom himself to proper breathing.

The reader needs to accustom himself to taking a proper breath during quran recitation.

And I mean the correct way here, that is, through the nose, while keeping the back straight. That is, not reading with a bent back because this puts pressure on the lungs and does not allow a large amount of air to be drawn in.

  • Breathe from the abdomen instead of the chest, for a longer, stronger breath.
  • Learn to control on breath while reading, to avoid pacing.
  • Practice breathing exercises regularly to improve your ability to control your breath.

8. Focus on the Letters of Qalqalah

Letters of Qalqalah appear with sukoon. It will be read with an echoing sound, whether it be in the middle of a word or at the end. Letters of Qalqalah are collected in the sentence; قُطْبُ جَد

If the letter Qalqalah comes at the end of a word and you stop on it, it will be pronounced with a medium echoing sound, and if the letter has a Shaddah, it will have a stronger echo.

9. Listen Daily to Reciters (reciting carefully according to the rules of Tajweed)

Listen to famous reciters who are distinguished by their beautiful Tajweed, to imitate their method of recitation as sheikh of reciters, Sheikh Al-Husri, and others such as Abdel Basit and Al-Minshawi.

  • Record your recitation and listen to it to determine your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Ask for the evaluation of others on your recitation, to determine your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Learn from your mistakes and try to correct them next time.

10. Allocate time to Practice the Rules of Tajweed Daily

Learn Tajweed from a skilled sheikh, taking into account the various tajweed rules.

Clear pronunciation of letters is one of the basic keys to correct recitation, which is through pronouncing the letters clearly and correctly, taking into account the characteristics of each letter. Practice Tajweed regularly, to improve your ability to recite the Quran beautifully and correctly.

Guidance to Qualified Tajweed Teachers and Impact on Your Quranic Journey

Tajweed teachers and experts guide students through the process of learning to recite the Holy Quran. They help students understand the rules of Tajweed and apply them correctly, guiding them in improving their performance and working on correct recitation. An online Tajweed course often provides this same guidance, with teachers assuming the role of guides and educators who help students overcome the challenges and difficulties they may face.


After we previously listed the practical ways and guidance that every student must follow to reach the degree of mastery of the Holy Quran and its recitation while following the rules of Tajweed correctly, Almuhammadi Academy welcomes every student who wishes to learn to recite the Holy Quran with experienced teachers in our distinguished online classes.

Book your free trial and start your journey in reciting the Holy Quran with us.