Wudu Steps: How To Perform Wudu (Ablution)?

The Muslim wonders How to perform Wudu. As the Messenger did. Maintaining wudu is one of the signs of people of faith on the Day of Resurrection. wudu is one of the reasons for entering Jannah. Wudu is considered a condition for the validity of prayer. It is not permissible to pray without wudu. Wudu is one of the greatest acts of worship, and it is one of the conditions of obligatory and voluntary prayers with the ability.

It is also required to be consistent in the steps of ablution. It is not permissible to prioritize any step of wudu over the other. Here we will explain the correct steps that a Muslim must take during his wudu correctly. These guidelines are also beneficial for those attending Islamic classes for converts, helping them to understand and practice their faith correctly.

8 Practical Steps to Perform Wudu (Ablution)

Wudu is considered a condition for the validity of prayer. It is not permissible to pray without wudu, and continuity in the steps of ablution is required. It is not permissible to give precedence to any step of wudu over the other.

1. Intention and Basmalah

The intention is considered one of the conditions for wudu according to the majority of scholars. The place of intention in wudu is the heart. That is, the intention must be remembered in the heart when going for wudu, and the intention is not to say it with the tongue.

So there is no need for him to say: I intended to perform wudu, rather the place of intention is the heart. It begins by saying “In the Name of Allah” immediately before starting wudu. Saying the Bismillah makes you focus later on the steps of wudu correctly.

2. Washing Both Hands up to Wrists

After a Muslim intends to perform wudu in his heart and calls Allah, he washes both hands up to wrists three times starting with the right hand. Washing the hands is not considered one of the duties of wudu. Allah did not mention in the Quran washing the palms. It is considered one of the Sunnahs of wudu for the Messenger of Allah to do three times.

3. Rinsing the Mouth and Sniffing Up Water in the Nostrils

After the person performing wudu washes his hands, Rinsing the mouth. It involves taking a handful of water three times. Then sniffing up water in the nostrils which takes water from his palms with the force of breath three times, then exhales. It is expelling the water that he brought in by inhaling while pushing his breath three times.

4. Washing the Face

Wash the face after the person performing wudu rinses his mouth, inhales, and exhales; the face should be washed three times. It is one of the duties of wudu, and washing the face is done from top to bottom. That is, from the hairline to the chin, and if a man has a thick beard, run the fingers through the beard.

5. Washing the Hands Up to the Elbows 

Washing the hands up to the elbows after washing the face, the person performing wudu washes the hands up to the elbows, which is one of the duties of wudu, and wudu is not valid without it. and it begins Wash hands starting from the tips of Fingers until they reach the elbows three times.

6. Wiping the Head  

Wiping the head After washing the hands up to the elbows comes wiping the head, which is one of the duties of ablution. The method of wiping is from the front of the head to the back of the head, and returns by wiping from the back of the head to the front. It is permissible to wipe from the front of the head to the back of the head only, and the woman is likewise, and the woman does not wipe over her braids.

7. Wiping the Ears 

Wiping the ears after wiping the head comes wiping the ears, and this is done by wiping the ears, both the inner and the outer. Jurists have two opinions regarding the ruling on wiping the ears: The majority of jurists believe that wiping the ears is one of the Sunnah of wudu. Hanbalis and some Malikis held that wiping the ears is one of the duties of wudu, and they used as evidence their statement that the ears are part of the head.

8. Washing the Feet Up to the Ankles 

Washing the feet up to the ankles comes after wiping the ears. Washing the feet with the ankles is one of the duties of ablution. The obligation to wash the feet is the most correct opinion, and it is what the majority of jurists agree upon. It is confirmed in the hadiths that were mentioned regarding the description of the wudu of the Prophet (PBUH)

Note: There are several etiquettes that it is desirable for the person performing wudu to perform, some of which we mention as follows:

  •  Do not waste water. 
  • Saying the Shahada after completing wudu.
  •  Repeating the supplication after wudu:

“O Allah, make me among those who turn to You in repentance, and make me among those who are purified”.

The Virtues of Maintaining Wudu 

  • Wudu avoids the evil of Satan.
  • Whoever performs wudu and does it well, his sins will leave his body until they come out from under his nails.
  • A Muslim remaining wudu is a reason for the supplication to be accepted
  • Repeating wudu is a Sunnah of the Prophet.
  • Asking for forgiveness and supplicating the angels for the person performing wudu.
  • Wudu is one of the characteristics of people of faith, and it expiates sins.
  • Wudu is one of the noble ways of purification. Therefore, it is one of the reasons that bring love to Allah Almighty
  •  Sleeping with wudu is a reason for answering dua’.


Almuhammadi Academy explained everything related to the necessary steps that must be followed in order during wudu and detailed the etiquette and virtues of wudu by which every Muslim should live. We welcome all students, including those interested in Islamic studies for kids, who sincerely want to learn Islamic sciences such as the Quran and Islamic studies in our distinguished classes with teachers who have many years of experience.