Things to Know as a New Muslim

The new Muslim who converts to Islam wonders what he will learn. This leads us to a plan designed for this great work, which is the entry of a new Muslim into Islam. He begins by learning the two testimonies, the pillars of Islam and faith, the basics of jurisprudence and belief, the distinction between what is permissible and what is forbidden, and lesser and greater polytheism. Understanding these fundamentals highlights the benefits of Seeking Knowledge in Islam.

 It is also important to learn the Quran, some short surahs as a source for the first legislation, and some hadiths as a source for the second legislation. We will explain below what are the things he must learn.

1. Applying the Five Pillars of Islam

Allah imposed on His Muslim servants five main pillars by which they are converted to Islam, their reward is preserved, and they receive their reward. Prayer, fasting, paying zakat, and the rest of the pillars, in addition to being an individual obligation for every Muslim, are obligatory given the great benefits they grant to the individual and society. Enrolling in a new Muslim course can help one understand and implement these pillars effectively.

1. Shahada

Announcing the Shahada with certainty and honesty is the beginning of a person’s entry into the Islamic religion. By pronouncing the Shahada, a person believes that the universe has one Creator and that Muhammad is the last prophet of the prophets.

2. Prayer 

Prayer is the second pillar of Islam. Through it, the servant turns to his Lord to thank Him and praise Him, which makes him feel comfortable and at ease.

3. Zakat

Giving zakat is the third pillar, and it is a financial act of worship imposed by Allah on Muslims to purify their souls and a means of social solidarity to help the poor and needy.

4. Fasting 

Fasting during Ramadan is the fourth pillar and is considered one of the most important acts of worship, as the Muslim abstains from food and drink from the break of the true dawn until when the disk of the sun disappears completely beneath the horizon to draw closer to Allah, seek His pleasure from Allah, achieve righteousness, and make Muslim feel aware of his poor brothers and rush to help them.

5. Hajj

Hajj is the fifth and final pillar, obligatory for every Muslim with financial and physical ability. Hajj has great importance, as it is an act of worship through which Allah atones for the servant’s sins.

2. Identify the Six Pillars of Faith and Their Importance

Belief in Allah, His angels, His books, and His messengers, belief in the Last Day, and belief in destiny, its beginning and its end—these are the 6 faiths of Iman.

A. First, faith in Allah:

It is the first pillar of faith, which is that a person believes in the One Allah, the One and Only, the Eternal.

B. Belief in Angels:

It is the second pillar of faith. Angels are creatures of light created by Allah Almighty to carry out the tasks assigned to them. They are Allah’s soldiers in the universe.

C. Belief in Books:

It is the third pillar of faith. Allah Almighty has revealed to His messengers the books that carry their message.

D. Belief in the Messengers:

It is the fourth pillar of faith. Allah Almighty sent the messengers and prophets, peace be upon them, in different times and places to call people to worship Allah alone, so their message was the word of monotheism.

E. Belief in the Last Day:

It is the fifth pillar of faith, and the Last Day is the day in which Allah Almighty holds people accountable for their actions in their lives. Allah will bring people out of their graves, every person will hold his book, the winners will rejoice, and the losers will regret.

F. Belief in Today’s Destiny, it’s Good and Bad:

Belief in destiny, its good and evil, is the sixth and final pillar of faith. Belief in destiny and destiny, which is the certainty that all good and evil is Allah’s decree that Allah does what He wills and that everything is written in the Preserved Tablet. Allah has bestowed upon us the blessing of reason and thinking so that we may choose the path of our life, either in obedience or in disobedience.

3. Familiarity with the Basics of Jurisprudence

Knowing what is permissible and what is forbidden is one of the foundations of Islam. It urges the Muslim to do what is permissible and avoid what is forbidden, and to place a barrier between him and what is forbidden, which is avoiding suspicions.

What is permissible and what is forbidden has been made clear to the people in such a way that they do not need further clarification with it, and they have no excuse for violating the command and prohibition under the pretext of lack of clarification and lack of clarity, for Allah Almighty has sent down the Book to His Prophet, and in it has made clear to the nation what it needs in terms of rulings.

  • A- Purely permissible(Halal), without any doubt, such as permitted clothing, restaurants, etc.
  • B- Completely forbidden(Haram) and there is no doubt about it, such as drinking alcohol, usury, adultery, consuming an orphan’s money, and other things that are prohibited by Sharia law.
  • C- Mutashabehat (There is doubt about what is permissible and what is forbidden), such as transactions, etc.

4. Knowing the Basics of Islamic Creed (knowing the difference between minor and major polytheism)

Belief is the basic guide to a person’s thoughts, behavior, and all other actions. According to a person’s belief, his morals are formed. It is what governs, regulates, and frames them. It judges its good from its bad, and it’s beautiful from its ugly.

Major polytheism is pure worship to other than Allah Almighty, such as a person calling on other than Allah, seeking help from other than Allah, making sacrifices to other than Allah, praying to other than Allah, or prostrating to other than Allah, or having a complete love for other than Allah Almighty.

As for minor polytheism, it does not involve worshiping anyone other than Allah Almighty, but rather it is one of the means of polytheism, not pure worship.

5. Studying the Basics of the Prophet’s Biography as a Second Source of Legislation 

It is the practical application of the Quran or the practical interpretation of the Quran.

It is considered to ensure the absence of exaggeration or arbitrariness in understanding the texts and controlling that by applying the Prophet. The Prophet’s biography – which brings together all of his positions does not provide an accurate interpretation of the Holy Quran in the linguistic sense only, but it gives us the most important element of controlling understanding. 

Connecting hearts to the owner of the fragrant biography, Muhammad (PBUH). One of the reasons and reasons for achieving his love is to study his biography, his positions, and his entire life. To deepen this connection and understanding, one can study Islam at home, focusing on the life and teachings of the Prophet.

6. Knowing the Virtue of Reading the Quran as a Primary Source of Legislation

The Holy Quran is the primary source and foundation of Islamic law. The Holy Quran is the primary source of legislation and is the greatest miracle of the Messenger of Allah. This is what is indicated by the Holy Quran itself, the noble Sunnah of the Prophet, and the consensus of Muslims.

 The verses of the Holy Quran indicate that it is a source of light and guidance. Reciting the Quran is one of the best deeds and one of the best acts of closeness, so it is permissible for male and female believers to increase it.

7. Learn the Correct Steps to Perform Prayer 

Prayer must be consistent with the same correct steps of the Prophet’s prayer because the Muslim is commanded to pray as the Prophet.

There are pillars of prayer without which the prayer is not complete, and without which it is not valid. Ablution is a condition for the validity of the prayer, but it is not part of its reality, such as the intention, the takbirat al-Ihram, reading, bowing, standing, prostrating, sitting between the two prostrations, and tranquility.

8. Learn to Read Surah Al-Fatiha and other Short Surahs

Surah Al-Fatihah is the greatest surah in the Quran and includes the three types of monotheism, and prayer is not valid without it.

Learning short surahs for a new Muslim is very important. It explains deep and significant meanings that a Muslim must learn and is characterized by ease of memorization and application. Examples of these short surahs include the following:

Al-Asr: Talk about the reason for human happiness and the reason for his misery.

Al-Kawthar:  Talk about the great grace of Allah upon our Master Muhammad (PBUH) including the Al-Kawthar River.

Al-Nasr: Talk about the conquest of Mecca, through which Allah glorified Islam and Muslims.

Al-Masad: Talk about the torment of Abu Lahab and his wife, the enemy of Allah and His Messenger.

Al-Ikhlas: Talk about the oneness of Allah Almighty.

Al-Falaq: Talk about the servants resorting to the protection of the Most Gracious and seeking refuge in Him from the evil of creatures.

 An-Nasr: Talk about seeking help from Allah against the evil of enemies.

9. Identify the 6 Most Important Basic Hadiths 

The noble Prophetic Hadith is considered the second source of Islamic legislation after the Holy Quran, which is the word of Allah- Glory be to Him – the eternal miracle. Likewise, the Noble Prophetic Hadith is from the command of Allah but on the tongue of His Prophet. 

The noble Prophetic hadith explains many rulings and legislation that were not mentioned in the Holy Quran, but were explained in detail by the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – such as how to pray, purity, and other rulings.

Among the hadiths that a Muslim who has converted to Islam must learn is: talking about intention, about parents, seeking knowledge, good morals, the pillars of Islam, and the breadth of Allah’s forgiveness and mercy.

10. The Muslim’s Duty towards His Society (as stated in the Quran and Sunnah)

The teachings of Islam explain to us the importance of the duties of the Muslim individual towards his community and those around him. He must help the needy, the poor, and those who need relatives and relatives.

Righteousness, piety, goodness, guidance, righteousness, and the like, for they all lead to one truth and one outcome, and this is part of the eloquence of the Quranic statement and the Prophetic statement. Enroll in a Quran tafseer course to gain more knowledge and understanding.


“After we presented the lessons that a Muslim who has recently converted to Islam must learn, we welcome all new Muslims to Almuhammadi Academy and are honored to have them join our classes so that they can begin the journey of the Islamic richness of the teachings of the Islamic religion through teachers who have long experience teaching non-Arabic speakers.

Additionally, we offer Islamic studies for kids, ensuring that children also have the opportunity to learn and grow in their understanding of Islam from an early age. Book your private experience and start your journey with us.