Tajweed Rules

Tajweed Rules

The Holy Quran has a special way of reading it. Learning Tajweed is the most honorable of the Sharia sciences in terms of value and status. Almuhammadi Academy is keen to teach Tajweed to its students correctly.

Our goal in learning Tajweed is to preserve the tongue and protect it from mistakes in reading the Holy Quran and to have a deep connection with the words and verses of the Quran. Here we will present various rules for learning Tajweed to recite quran beautifully and correctly. Let us introduce these rules.

What Is the Science of Tajweed?

Articulating every letter from its articulation point and giving the letter its rights and dues of characteristics Rights of the letters are the required characteristics that never leave it. 

Basic Tajweed Rules With Examples

1. Qalqalah

Definition: Qalqalah is to disturb the letter which has a skuoon. It does not resemble a fathah or a dammah or a kasrah. 

Letters: قطب جد

Examples: أحد – الطارق 

2. Ghunnah

Definition: An unconditional nasalized sound fixed on the noon -even if it is a tanween- and the meem.

Letters: Noon ن and Meem م

3. Noon saakinah and Tanween Rules

Definition of Noon saakinah: It is a noon free from any vowel. 

Definition of tanween: It is a term for an extra noon saakinah not used for emphasis, found at the end of nouns when continuing the reading, but absent from the noun in the written form. The tanween can accompany a fathah, or a dammah, or a kasrah.

A. Ith-haar

Definition: Pronouncing every letter from its Makhraj without a ghunnah.

Letters: ء hamzah, ه haa’, ع ayn, ح haa’, غ ghayn, خ khaa’

Example: وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ 

B. Idgham

Definition: The meeting of a non-voweled letter with a voweled letter, so that the two letters become one emphasized letter of the second type.

Letters: 6 letters collected in word(يرملون), 

Examples: تبت يدا أبي لَهَبٍ وَنَبَّ- غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ

Note: Idgham with ghunnah is in letters(ي،ن،م،و)

But Idgham without ghunnah is in letters(ل،ر)

C. Iqlaab

Definition: Noon saakinah or tanween will be changed into a meem, when followed by a baa’ letter.

Letter: Baa’ ب

Example: والله عليمٌ بِذَاتِ الصُّدُورِ 

4. Meem saakinah Rules

Definition: It is a meem free from any vowel, and which has a fixed sukoon when continuing reading and when stopping

A. Ikhfaa Shafawee

Definition: The pronunciation of a non-voweled letter, stripped of any “shaddah”, characterized as between Ith-haar and Idgham with ghunnah remaining on the first letter, which is in this case the meem.

Letter: Baa’ ب

Example: وإن ربهم بهم يوميد الخبير

B. Idgham Shafawee

Definition: The meeting saakinah letter with a voweled letter so that the two letters become one emphasized letter of the second type of the letter.

Letter: Meem م

Example:  ولَكُم مَّا كَسَبْتُمْ 

C. Ith-haar Shafawee

Definition: Pronouncing every letter clearly without a ghunnah from its correct Makhraj.

Letters: 26 letters, the rest of the Arabic letters after excluding the letters of Ikhfaa and Idgham.

Example: الْحَمْدُ للهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين

5. Heavy (mufakham) and light (muraqaq) letters

A. Mufakhamah Letters (خص ضغط قظ)

Example: خاشعين

B. Muraqaq letters (The rest of letters)

Example: حاسد

C. Letters between tafkheem and tarqeeq (laam in the Glorious name of Allah, Alif maad, Raa’)

 Examples: غاشية – بسم الله- فرق

6. Rules of Madd in the Quran

Their are multiples rules and types of madd in Quran

A. Madd Asli/Tabi’ee (Natural Madd)      B. Madd Far’ee (Secondary Madd)

A. Madd Asli/Tabi’ee (Natural Madd)

It is not due to a hamzah or a sukoon. It is collected in a word(نوحيها). 

B. Madd Far’ee (Secondary Madd)

It is prolonged longer than Madd Tabi’ee. It is divided into two Madd, as follows: 

1. Madd Faree due to Hamza 

A. Madd Wajib Muttasil 

This madd is required. It is called muttasil due to the attachment of the madd letter and the hamzah to the same word. It is prolonged for four, or five, or six vowel counts.

Example:  وَلَقَدْ جَاءَكُم مُّوسَى 

B. Madd Ju’iz Munfasil 

 Madd letter is the last letter of the word, and the hamzah is the first letter of the next word. It is prolonged for two, four, or six vowel counts. 

Example:  تَبَّتْ يَدَا أَبِي لَهَبٍ وَنَبَّ 

C. Madd Sila Koubra 

Pronoun haa is at the end of a word which has a vowel of a dammah or a kasrah, and the first letter of the next word is a hamzah. It is prolonged for four, or five counts. 

Example: أَيَحْسَبُ أَن لَّمْ يَرَهُ أَحَدٌ 

D. Madd Badal (Exchange lengthening)

The letter hamzah precedes the madd letter. If the first hamzah has a kasrah, the second hamzah changes into a yaa. And also if the first hamzah has a dammah the second hamzah becomes a waaw. It is prolonged for two counts.  

Examples:  أُوذُوا –  إِيمَنكُمْ – ءَادَم

2. Madd Faree due to Sukoon

A. Madd ‘Arid lil-sukun 

Stopping with a sukoon on the end of word. It is prolonged for two, or four, or six counts.

Examples: قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الفلق – الرحمن الرحيم 

B. Madd Leen (The soft lengthening)

Leen letter is waaw or yaa with a sukoon that is preceded by a letter with a fathah. It is prolonged for two or five or six vowel counts when stopping on the word. 

Example:  كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ 

C. Madd Lazim 

Sukoon is found after a madd letter, in a word or a letter. It is divided into four mudood.

1.  Madd Kalimi Muthaqqal 

An original sukoon and shaddah come after a madd letter in a word, and the two letters have merged. It is prolonged for six counts. 

Examples:   الْحَاقَّهُ – دَابَّةٍ –  الضَّالِّينَ 

2. Madd Kalimi Mukhaffaf  

An original sukoon and no shaddah come after a madd letter in a word. It is prolonged for six counts. 

Example:      ءَاۤلۡـَٔـٰنَ وَقَدۡ عَصَیۡتَ قَبۡلُ

3. Madd Harfi Muthaqqal 

Madd letter is followed by a Mushaddad letter without occurring Idgham. It is prolonged for six counts. 

Example: الۤمۤ

4. Madd Harfi Mukhaffaf 

If a Madd letter is followed by a Saakin letter (both of them are found in the same letter) without occurring Idgham. It is prolonged for six counts. 

Example: الۤرۚ


After Almuhammadi Academy have presented all the necessary rules for Tajweed that help the student not only to recite quran correctly, but also to deeply communicate with the words of Allah Almighty, understand them, and reflect upon them. Almuhammadi Academy welcomes all students around the world to register for a free trial of many courses for learning the Holy Quran, including online tajweed course, recitation, memorization, and Ijaza. 

Start now and be among The people of the Quran, the people of Allah, and those who are closest to Him.

Important FAQs

Q1: Can we learn Tajweed at any age?

Yes. Learning Tajweed rules is a part of perfecting your religion and as a believer, we should keep perfecting our religion till the last day.

Q2: How long will it take to master the Tajweed rule and apply it in our recitation?

Learning as well as applying the Tajweed rule takes time but the process can be accelerated by enrolling in an online Tajweed course to receive proper and disciplined guidance. It may take from 3-9 months, depending on time, capacity, and number of classes.

Q3: Is it compulsory to recite the Quran with Tajweed?

Many people can have different opinions on it but we must know that the Quran is the Book of Allah and it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in a certain manner and he (pbuh) recited him in that manner. So we must recite the Quran with Tajweed as this will only bring betterment for all of us personally as well as spiritually.

Q4: How to learn to recite the Quran with Tajweed efficiently when we don’t know Arabic language?

Undoubtedly, any non-Arab person can feel difficulty in learning the pronunciation of each letter. However, with the help of the Quran and Tajweed teachers online or the online Tajweed course, we can gain proficiency in our pronunciations easily and effectively. Also, always keep in mind that Allah SWT rewards us twice whenever we face difficulty in our learning process.

Q5: Are online Tajweed courses effective in learning Tajweed rules?

Yes. With the help of online courses, we can effectively learn Tajweed rules from eminent tutors online from around the world.