free online Quran classes for sisters

Free Online Quran Classes for Sisters


In the past, learning the recitation of Qur’an and pursuing knowledge in Tajweed required traveling to distant countries which in turn demanded much effort and time as well as money.

Now in the modern age, learning Qur’an and Tajweed have become much more convenient. Therefore, Almuhammadi Academy is offering a great opportunity for sisters to gain from the benefit of free Online Qur’an classes and Tajweed courses with qualified female tutors while at the comfort of your own home

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About the course

free online Quran classes for sisters

The courses provided by Almuhammadi Academy grant sisters the perks of online one-on-one courses which facilitate learning Qur’an and Tajweed as well as Islamic studies and make it more convenient for sister.

Free online Quran classes for sisters can make you one of whom Prophet Muhammad PBUH described in the Hadith: “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.“[1]

Advantages of learning online Quran for sisters:

What is said about the world turning into a small village can be of great benefit for sisters who wish to improve their recitation of the holy Quran and who used to struggle by always seeking an answer to the question: “Where can I find Islamic classes for sisters near me?”


These online Islamic classes for sisters offer the following advantages:

  • They are more convenient and less time consuming since you dedicate the time for the sole purpose of learning Quran and Tajweed without waste.
  • They are also practical for mothers who seek to learn the recitation of Quran while managing the responsibilities of their homes and kids. Through joining these Islamic courses for sisters, they can in turn teach their own kids and fill their homes with the blessings of reciting and memorizing Qur’an.
  • You have the chance to choose your tutor from a list of native female tutors who are graduates from Al-Azhar University. The female tutors also have Ijazah with ten Qira’at and are thus qualified to guide you on how to improve your recitation of Quran and learn the rules of Tajweed and follow up with your progress.
  • The courses are designed to guarantee the utmost benefit for sisters by using interactive methods and activities in teaching. Our tutors use PowerPoint slides, mind maps as well as a variety of methods that range from out-loud recitation, imitation and underlining mistakes for correction and feedback.
  • The courses are accessible for both digital natives and digital immigrants alike thanks to the advantage of one-on-one classes which offer detailed and clear instructions on how to use the platform.

These online Islamic courses for ladies are also designed to help shy learners who need one-on-one classes as they learn to improve their recitation of Quran and receive correction and feedback.    

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Why choose Almuhammadi academy

What Almuhammadi Academy offers for sisters in these courses encompasses the following:

Female Quran Teacher

  1. Free Trial Classes:

We provide free trial classes by two different tutors to help learners choose the one who is best suited for their needs.  

  1. Tutors:

We present the option of choosing a native female tutor who is well-qualified in teaching Quran, Tajweed and Islamic studies in addition to having an Ijazah in the ten Qira’at. Our female tutors are carefully selected graduates of Al-Azhar University and they use interactive methods to make these Islamic courses for sisters more engaging and interesting.

  1. Regular feedback and evaluation:

The progress that is achieved on your journey in learning Quran and Tajweed is attributed to regular feedback and evaluation that is given by our tutors to help you develop your strengths and overcome your weaknesses. The evaluation takes the form of a customized plan that is developed for each student to guarantee the best learning outcome. Part of the evaluation and feedback process takes place through examinations that are made to test learner’s progress and to focus on their needs.   

  1. Online platform:

Almuhammadi Academy uses video conference apps such as Zoom which allows easy access for students and consequently, a better learning experience.

  1. Affordable fees:

Enhancing your recitation and your knowledge of Tajweed does not have to cost you more than you can handle since our courses are budget-friendly.


What you will learn

Online Quran classes for sisters that are presented by Almuhammadi Academy include the following:

online Quran classes for sisters

  1. Noorani Qaida online Course:

Perfecting your recitation of Quran requires knowledge of the Arabic language; its letters and the accurate pronunciation of each one. Hence, our Noorani Qaida online course for sisters enables you to read words and sentences in Arabic correctly and accurately and by extension, learn the rules of reciting Quran with Tarteel and Tajweed. It will help you master aspects such as the manner of articulating Arabic letters, short and long vowels and the basics of Tajweed rules.

  1. Quran Recitation Course:

Upon finishing the Noorani Qaida Course, Almuhammadi Academy offers the Quran Recitation Course for sisters which is of great value because perfecting your recitation of Quran requires the instruction of a qualified and experienced tutor. All Muslims aspire to master the recitation of Quran as it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH so that they elevate their status to the one described in the hadith:

“The one who is proficient in the recitation of the Qur’an will be with the honorable and obedient scribes (angels)…”[1]

  1. Quran Memorization:

Prophet Muhammad PBUH said: “It will be said to the companion of the Qur’an, when he enters Paradise: ‘Recite and rise one degree for every Verse,’ until he recites the last thing that he knows.”[2] If you have this goal in mind, our free online Quran memorization classes for sisters at Almuhammadi Academy will give you the required assistance through the instruction of our professional and skilled female tutors who will help you apply Tajweed rules and make your memorization of Quran more efficient using the appropriate methods and techniques.  

  1. Online Tajweed classes for sisters:

Another level in our online courses that we offer is free online Tajweed classes for sisters. These classes provide sisters with the necessary theoretical and applied knowledge of Tajweed rules such as Noon Saakin and Tanween, Meem Saakin and types of Madd to enhance your recitation of Quran.

  1. Islamic studies for sisters:

Almuhammadi Academy also offers Islamic classes for sisters online in order to deepen your Islamic knowledge of aspects such as Aqeedah, Fiqh, Sunnah Islamic history etc. using authentic and well-structured material that is taught by our qualified female tutors.

  1. Ijazah with 10 Qira’at:

The last of our courses that are taught to sisters at Almuhammadi Academy is the Ijazah online course. This course is directed towards sisters who seek an Ijazah in Quran from a certified tutor and it can be obtained through perusing Quran with Tajweed or reciting it by heart. For this purpose, the student must memorize the entire Quran and recite it to their Imam.  


Our Online Quran and Tajweed classes for sisters are a great opportunity for sisters who pursue mastering their recitation of Quran and acquiring sufficient knowledge of Islam with the help of female tutors who are well equipped and skilled for the task so join our courses now!

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Learn Noorani Quaida Online

Noorani Qaida online course is a beginner’s guide to Quran and Arabic learning. Noorani Qaida contains seventeen chapters.


Quran Recitation with Tajweed

Learn to recite the Quran with Tajweed through one-to-one sessions with the best Quran reciters & Sheikhs


Quran Memorization Course 

Learn Quran memorization/Hifz through one-to-one personalized online sessions to become Hafiz/Hafiza of the Quran.


Ijazah Online

Get qualified for obtaining Ijazah in Quran Recitation with Tajweed or Quran Memorization (Hifz) with Ijazah certified Quran Sheikhs.


Arabic Language

Learn the Arabic language online with native Arab teachers to take you from the absolute beginner level to fluency in Arabic.


Islamic Studies Course

Learn various Islamic studies including but not limited to pillars of Islam, Fiqh, Aqidah, Tafsir, Hadith, and Dua (Supplication).


Learn Ten Qirat

Learn to recite the Quran online in different methods & Take your recitation skills to the next level.


Learn Quran Tafsir

Learn Tafsir Quran online with top Islamic scholars & Get to understand Quran much better.


Online Quran Classes For Kids

Online Quran classes for kids by Almuhammadi academy is an all-in-one course opportunity.

Learn Quran Online

Learn Noorani Qaida Online

Noorani Qaida online course is a beginner’s guide to Quran and Arabic learning. Noorani Qaida contains seventeen chapters.


Quran Recitation with Tajweed

Learn to recite the Quran with Tajweed through on-to-one sessions with the best Quran reciters & Sheikhs


Quran Memorization

Learn Quran memorization/Hifz through one-to-one personalized online sessions to become Hafiz/Hafiza of the Quran.


Ijazah Online

Get qualified for obtaining Ijazah in Quran Recitation with Tajweed or Quran Memorization (Hifz) with Ijazah certified Quran Sheikhs.


Arabic Language

Learn the Arabic language online with native Arab teachers to take you from the absolute beginner level to the fluency in Arabic.


Islamic Studies Course

Learn various Islamic studies including but not limited to pillars of Islam, Fiqh, Aqidah, Tafsir, Hadith, and Dua (Supplication).


Learn Ten Qirat

Learn to recite the Quran online in different methods & Take your recitation skills to the next level.


Learn Quran Tafsir

Learn Tafsir Quran online with top Islamic scholars & Get to understand Quran much better.

Islamic Dua

Online Quran Classes For Kids

Online Quran classes for kids by Almuhammadi academy is an all-in-one course opportunity.


How to Learn Quran Recitation with Tajweed Online at Almuhammadi Academy?

Step 1

Fill in The Free Trial Form

Fill in the free trial form & Select “Online Quran Recitation Course”, so that our support team could contact you.

Step 2

Confirm The Appointment

Once you submit your free trial request, one of our agents will contact you within 24Hrs via email, Phone Call, or WhatsApp to confirm appointment and discuss further details.

Step 3

Download Meeting App

Download Zoom app or Skype to start taking your “Free Quran Recitation Classes” at the scheduled appointment.(Skype ID or Zoom Room Link is provided upon appointment confirmation)