What is Isti’adha and Basmalah in Tajweed?

Seeking refuge has a great impact and useful benefit, as its matter is great. Its importance is always solemn, so every Muslim man and woman should not neglect it, preserve it, and let it be on his tongue so that he can be fortified by it. It will be a protective shield and a bulwark for him from his enemy, the accursed Satan.

Basmalah is a great matter, its virtue is great, its reward is great, and there is no doubt that it has a great status, containing all goodness and blessings, and the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, started reading the Book of Allah with it.

 So let us learn together about the Isti’adha and Basmalah, their ruling, and their importance.

What is Isti’adha?

Seeking refuge in Allah and protecting Him from the evil of the accursed Satan and his whispering.

Seeking refuge is done before reading, and is not from the Quran. It is desirable according to the majority of scholars, and some scholars believe that it is obligatory because Allah commanded it in His saying

 “When you recite the Quran, seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.” (An-nahl:98)

The way to safety from his evil is to turn to Allah and seek refuge in Him from its evil.

What is Basmalah?

It is the source of the verb, that is “in the name of Allah.” It is also called the name “Tasmiyya” from the verb “to name.”

Basmalah is obligatory before starting to read. As for the narration of Hafs on the authority of Asim that we are studying, it is necessary to say “Basmalah” between every two surahs, except for what is between surah Al-Anfal and Bara’ah At-Tawbah.

 It is a part of verse 30 of Surah An-Naml: 

“Indeed, it is from Solomon, and indeed, it is [i.e., reads]: ‘In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.”

6 Tajweed Rules about Isti’adha & Basmalah

1. First Rule

It is recommended for the reader to read Isti’adha  “seek refuge”e in places, including:

  • When opening the reading on special occasions and public forums. 
  • In a position of education or a group, the reader is the first to read.

2. Second Rule

  • It is recommended for the reader to confide in seeking refuge in places such as:
  • If he is in prayer; Whether he is an imam, someone who is led in prayer, or alone, especially if the prayer is out loud. 
  • If the reader is reading alone. 
  • If he is reading among a group studying the Quran, and he is not at the beginning of the reading.
  •  If he is reading aloud and there is no one with him to listen to his Quran recitation.

3. Third Rule

Basmalah has four aspects that are permitted for the reader if he begins reading from the beginning of the surah, in all of the Quran – except for surah Bara’ah “At-Tawbah” and these four aspects are:

  • Stopping at all: that is, pausing on seeking refuge, then pausing on Basmalah, then starting with the beginning of the surah. If the reader wants to begin reading, it is permissible for him to stop seeking refuge, then stop on Basmalah, and then after start with the beginning of the surah, which is the best.
  • He joined the prayer with Basmalah, and separated them from the beginning of the surah: that is, he reads the prayer, then connects it with Basmalah and stops on them, then begins with the beginning of the Surah.
  • He stopped seeking refuge from Basmalah, and connected Basmalah to the beginning of the surah: that is, he begins with the Basmalah and stops at it, then connects Basmalah to the first surah that he wants to read.
  • Connect Isti’adha with Basmalah to the beginning of the surah.

4. Fourth Rule

The aspects between the two surahs:

If the reader wants to connect the last surah with the beginning of the following surah, he has three options, which are:

  • Stopping all of them: That is, the reader stops at the end of the surah, then recites the Isti’adha and stops at it, then recites the Basmalah and stops at it, then begins with the beginning of the next surah.
  •  Cut the first and connect the second with the third: that is, the reader stops at the end of the surah, then connects Basmalah to the beginning of the next surah.
  •  Connect all: that is, the reader connects the end of the surah with Basmalah to the beginning of the next surah.
  • Connecting the first to the second and cutting off the third: This approach is impossible; Because in this case the reader connects with the end of the Surah with Basmalah and stops on it, then starts with the beginning of the next surah. 

Note: “If the reciter is in online Tajweed course or offline and is occupied with a compulsory reason that interrupts his recitation, such as a cough, sneeze, or an explanation for what he is reading, he is no longer seeking refuge. However, if the reason is voluntary, such as being distracted from reading or speaking, or something else, then he should repeat the refuge.”

5. Fifth Rule

Basmalah between Surah Al-Anfal and At-Tawbah: Three aspects:

  • Connect the end of Al-Anfal with the beginning of repentance.
  • Stop at the end of the Anfal and then begin with the beginning of Surah At-Tawbah (without Basmalah).
  • Stop (pause without breathing) at the end of surah Al-Anfal, then begin Surah At-Tawbah.

6. Sixth Rule

They differed regarding the Basmalah at the beginning of the surah, with several opinions, including:

  • Basmalah is a verse in all the surahs except for repentance; therefore, it must be recited between the surahs.
  • It is a separate verse that was revealed for blessing and separation between the surahs. Therefore, it is desirable.
  • It is a verse from the first surah Al-Fatihah. It is not a verse from any surah.
  • Surah At-Tawbah does not begin with Basmalah.
  • If the reciter begins in the middle of the surah, he has a choice between reciting it or leaving it. 

Benefits of Isti’adha “Seeking Refuge “

Allah Almighty commanded seeking refuge from Satan when reading the Quran because of its benefits as follows:

  • The Quran is a cure for what is in the breasts, eliminating what Satan throws into them of obsessions, desires, and corrupt wills. Seeking refuge is a medicine that expels what Satan has thrown into them, so the Quran finds a place free of the disease, so it can control and influence it.
  • The angels approach the reciter of the Quran and listen to his reading. The command of the reciter asks Allah Almighty to keep his enemy away from him until his angels attend him. This is a status in which angels and devils do not meet. 
  • Satan distracts him from what is meant by the Quran, and he ponders and understands the obligation to seek refuge in Allah Almighty from the accursed Satan.
  • Satan is the most keen on a person when he is interested in doing good or enters into it. He is harsh on him at that time to cut him off from it. So Allah Almighty commanded the servant to fight his enemy who blocked his path and seek refuge with Allah Almighty from him first, then he started the path.
  • Seeking refuge before reading is an introduction and attention to the listener that what comes after it is the recitation. So if the listener hears the refuge, he will be prepared to listen to the words of Allah Almighty.


Isti’adha and Basmalah are the keys to our worship and the adornment of our tongues. After we have explained their importance and their ruling while reading the Quran, they are among the basics of learning Tajweed, and the beginning of learning correct recitation begins through them. 

Almuhammadi Academy has designed many distinguished classes in teaching Tajweed and Tajweed rules to make it easier for the student to read the Quran correctly, with teachers who help him correct his mistakes and reach the level of skill in reading the Quran.

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