How to Study Islam at Home?

Study Islam at Home

The internet has made learning about anything accessible, such as knowing how to study Islam at home. Whether you are someone who wishes to become a Muslim, a Muslim who wants to learn more about the religion, or simply interested in the religion itself, there is something for everyone.

Learning about Islam from the comfort of your home spares you a lot of time. Still, you need to follow certain methods to ensure efficiency and success such as collecting essential study material, incorporating effective study methods, studying Islam through online resources, joining a course, or using discussions.

How to Study Islam at Home?

Learning Islam at home is a process that requires the following steps:

1. Collect Essential Study Material

The first step is to start collecting the material that you will use to study Islam. The material you need to gather includes:

  • A translated Copy of the Quran: if Arabic is not your native language, you will need to a translated copy of the Quran to understand the meaning of the Quranic verses.  
  • A Book of Tafseer for Beginners: Another tool to help with understanding the meaning of the verses is a book of Tafseer that is easy enough to understand for beginners such as the Tafseer of Al-Sa’dy. Additionally, enrolling in an online quran tafseer course can further aid in comprehending the verses more thoroughly.
  • Hadith Collections such as the 40 Hadiths gathered by Al-Nawawi 
  • Biography of the Prophet (Seerah): the life of Prophet Muhammad provides a living example of the application of Islamic teachings so exploring it is a crucial tool in learning about Islam.
  • Books on Fiqh: These books are extremely useful in guiding you on how to properly perform different acts of worship such as prayer, Zakat and Pilgrimage. It can also inform you on the ruling that determines Halal and Haram food.  

2. Incorporate Effective Study Methods for Learning Islam for Beginners

Now that you have prepared the study material, you need to choose effective methods that will help you learn Islam on your own.

  • Learning the Arabic Language

Learning Arabic is central to studying Islam because it is the language in which the Quran was revealed. Thus, learning Arabic opens the door for you to understand Islamic principles found in the Quran and the Sunnah.

  • Quranic Recitation and Memorization

The Quran is considered a primary source of knowledge in Islam; therefore, reciting and memorizing the Quran are extremely helpful tools to study Islam. You can listen to the recitation of expert Qari’s or seek the help from egyption quran teachers to learn to recite quran beautifully.

  • Exploring Hadith

The sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH which are recorded in the Hadith contain detailed instructions on the proper practice of acts of worship as well as the proper moral conduct of a Muslim.

  • Application of Islamic Practices

More than theoretical knowledge is required in the learning process; it has to be accompanied by practical application. After learning about the rules and conditions of worship, take the first step to practice them properly such as praying or fasting.

3. Study Islam through Online Resources

Using the Internet to explore various aspects of Islamic knowledge is beneficial because it provides a variety of resources including videos, websites, and podcasts. It is wise to use these online resources to avoid the redundancy of traditional resources and provide a more interactive learning experience.  Kids can join Islamic studies for kids program to learn and understand Islam properly at a young age.

4. Go to a Mosque or Islamic Center

To enhance the sense of brotherhood with your fellow Muslims and to experience a deeper learning experience, you should locate a nearby mosque or Islamic center. Going to a mosque serves as a manifestation of the theoretical knowledge you are acquiring about Islam.

5. Join an Islamic Course

Studying Islam at home does not mean that you have to do it without the assistance of experts. Online courses on Islam, including Islamic classes for adults, are now available more than ever and you can choose from a variety of platforms. This comes with professional guidance on the best methods of learning and detailed feedback to overcome obstacles and frequent errors.

6. Use Discussions to Learn Islamic Religion

Engaging in conversations and discussions about Islamic principles and teachings with family, friends, or fellow learners offers a richer learning experience because you receive different perspectives and learn about different backgrounds.

Why Learn Islam?

Acquiring knowledge about the religion of Islam ensures that one attains:

1. Better Understanding of the Faith

One of the goals that you should have as you attempt to study Islam is to have a solid foundation of belief by understanding the principles and tenets of Islam, mainly Tawheed or monotheism.

2. More Spiritual Connection

A subsequent result of this understanding is the establishment of a stronger spiritual connection. It is only natural that knowing about Allah, his messengers, and the Holy Books will lead you to have a closer relationship with Allah by understanding His commands. One of the significant benefits of seeking knowledge in Islam is this deepened spiritual connection and enhanced relationship with Allah.

3. Proper Practice of Worship

It is one thing to perform prayer and other acts of worship by only imitating movements and words and another to understand what lies beneath them. You will learn the proper way to perform these deeds and their significance.

4. More Decent Behavior

All the previously acquired knowledge will result in a better and more decent conduct as you start to incorporate Islamic teachings and principles in your daily life as part of your encounters with others.

5. Closer Engagement with the Community

The concept of the Ummah or the global brotherhood among fellow Muslims is a crucial concept that will be entrenched in your mind and soul as you acquire more knowledge of the religion. This bond is made stronger through gatherings during congregational prayers and Islamic holidays such as Eid.

6. Greater Reward

Allah commands us in the Quran to seek knowledge of the religion and these commands have been echoed in the Hadiths of the Prophet PBUH with the mention of the great reward that is promised to those seekers of knowledge; whoever takes the path to knowledge, Allah will make it easier for him to walk the path to Jannah or Paradise.


The study of Islam has become much easier thanks to the increase in accessible resources but it still depends on the incorporation of effective techniques and methods of studying. Therefore, try to make the best use of the tips and techniques provided in the article.