How to Explain Muslim Religion to a Child?

Muslim religion is explained for kids as a line of defense against every ignorance, and innovation “Bid’ah” that a child may be exposed to in our current era. How do we guide our children to know Allah? A question that concerns all parents and educators

There is no doubt that instilling sound doctrine in a child from a young age is important and very easy at the same time.

Important Thing to Explain to Children About Islam Religion

Below we will explain the importance of learning religion for a child and what he should learn about basic faith beliefs.

1. Islam is the Only Way of Allah

The religion that Allah was pleased with for His creation and with which He sent His messengers, and with which He does not accept anything else, is Islam, which is submission to Allah alone through obedience and servitude, and following the Prophet with what Allah sent them until they were sealed with Muhammad (PBUH) which Allah does not accept from anyone after His mission as a religion other than Islam.

A dispute arose between the People of the Book, Jews, and Christians, and they divided into sects and parties after the argument was established against them by sending messengers and sending down books urging them to unite on the religion of Allah. And whoever denies the revealed verses of Allah and His signs that indicate his lordship and divinity, Allah is quick to judge and will reward them for what they did.

Learning about these events and their significance is essential, which is why Islamic studies for kids often include these important historical and religious teachings.

2. Why is the Religion Called Islam

The name of Islam was not limited to the religion that was revealed to Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Rather, it is a name for the religion that was revealed to all the prophets.

But Allah honored this nation by calling the companions of Muhammad and his followers Muslims, and not by another name, such as the Jews, who are of the same lineage. One of the benefits of seeking knowledge in Islam is understanding the universality of the message and its continuity through all prophets.

3. The Seven Conditions of Shahada

There are seven conditions where “there is no Allah but Allah”: knowledge, certainty, acceptance, submission, honesty, sincerity, and love.

  1. Knowledge in its sense of denial and affirmation contradicts ignorance.
  2. The certainty that contradicts doubt and uncertainty.
  3. Sincerity that opposes polytheism and hypocrisy.
  4. Honesty that contradicts lying.
  5. Love that is incompatible with hate and hate.
  6. Submissiveness that contradicts abandonment.
  7. Acceptance that contradicts the response.

6 Basic Beliefs That Every Muslim Child Must Believe In

Here are 6 pillars of iman that every Muslim kid learns and follows blindly in their complete life.

1. Faith in Allah 

It means believing in the oneness of Allah – Glory be to Him – in His lordship, divinity, names, and attributes, and that the Islamic religion is based on the monotheism of Allah. Allah Almighty is one in His kingdom and actions; no partner exists. Allah is one in His essence, names, and attributes, and there is no equal to Him in them. 

2. Belief in Angels

The belief that angels are one of Allah’s creatures, created from light, Allah has chosen them to worship Him and carry out His commands. Angels never disobey Allah, and they obey Him without disobedience.

3. Faith in Books

It is faith in the heavenly books of Allah that He revealed to His messengers that contain the words of Allah Almighty that He revealed to His messengers – peace be upon them.

4. Belief in the Messengers

It is the belief and firm belief that Allah Almighty has sent to every nation a messenger calling them to monotheism and worshiping Allah alone without a partner. The Messenger is one to whom an Islamic religion was revealed and was sent to people to convey Allah’s message to them and to have faith in all of Allah’s messengers without distinction between them.

5. Belief in the Last Day

 It is belief in everything that the Messenger of Allah Muhammad told about what will happen after death, and belief in the Last Day is linked to belief in Allah because man works to meet Allah on the Day of Judgment and the Last Day is called the Las Day because there is no day after it

6. Belief in Destiny, it’s Good and Evil 

It is the belief that everything in the universe, whether existing or non-existent, is by the will of Allah Almighty, and that man knows that what befalls him could not have missed him. Nothing in this universe exists except by His will, ability, and will.

Teaching “Know your Prophet” is one of the basic principles of Muslim religion for kids

Among the important benefits and fruits of our children learning the biography of the Prophet (PBUH):

  • They find in her a role model, as she presents to them an ideal young man who is upright in his behavior and honest with his people and friends.
  • It also presents the ideal model of a Muslim who calls to Allah with wisdom and good preaching.
  • The ideal husband is in his good treatment of his family, the father is in his mercy, love, and compassion, and the companion is in his love for his friends and his good treatment of them. A Muslim who combines his duties with his worship of his Lord. 
  • The Prophetic biography is the practical and applied model that Allah Almighty has established for all people – young and old – to imitate and follow.

How to Teach Kids About Islam at the Age of Six?

  • Introducing and connecting children to Allah is the first step in teaching children Islam; is introducing them to Allah Almighty from their early years. We must always keep Allah in the mind of the child and even try to make Allah Almighty greater in the child’s heart.
  • Using children’s stories that talk about Islam as an educational means to teach Islam to children.
  • Looking for methods that help us explain Islamic and existential matters to the child.
  • Reading Stories that talk about Islam; is one of the best and easiest methods that suit a child’s awareness, and answer their existential questions in a smooth, easy, and attractive way. Choose what suits your child’s age and ability to understand.
  • Make the Quran a part of children’s daily lives. The child must start listening to the Quran from a young age, instead of being limited to the efforts of the teacher in the academic stages. To build a deeper relationship between your child and Islam when teaching children Islam.
  • Embodying Islam in the child’s life through our actions in front of him. This is done by considering ourselves a role model for the child, such as helping those in need and smiling at those around us.
  • Encourage your child to perform acts of worship, Islam is based on many basic acts of worship; Such as prayer, fasting, zakat, etc. The basis for teaching children Islam is to start from a young age!

How to know the Islamic Compulsory Acts and Prohibitions?

  • The First Thing That the Accountable Person Must Do Is Correct, His Faith, and Then Find Out What Is Suitable for His Specific Obligation Such as the Provisions of Prayer, Purity, and Fasting.
  • To Maintain Allah’s Limits, Abide by His Commands and Prohibitions, and Repent to Allah Almighty.
  • He Must Protect His Tongue from Immorality, Evil, Ugly Speech, Oaths of Divorce, Rebuking and Insulting a Muslim, Cursing Him, and Intimidating Him Without a Legal Right.
  • He Must Protect His Gaze from Looking at Forbidden Things, and It Is Not Permissible for Him to Look at a Muslim with a Look That Harms Him.
  • It Is Forbidden for Him to Lie, Backbiting, Gossip, Arrogance, Arrogance, Hypocrisy, Reputation, Envy, Hatred, Ridicule, Adultery, Look at a Foreign Woman, Etc.

The Importance of Explaining Religion to a Child at a Young Age

  • Achieving servitude to Allah alone is the ultimate general goal that Islamic education seeks to achieve.
  • Preserving and nurturing common sense; This is done by introducing a person to his Lord Almighty.
  • Consolidating the faith and achieving servitude in every matter of life.
  • Raising on the heart and physical worship and virtuous morals.


After we finished presenting the importance of learning religion for a child at a young age, the means used to convey knowledge, and the basics that teachers should teach the child at a young age. Almuhammadi Academy welcomes you to join the classes for learning the Quran and Islamic classes for adults and kids so that everyone can gain knowledge that is beneficial to them in this world and the hereafter with teachers who have many years of experience.