Basic Knowledge of Islam for Kids

Basic Knowledge of Islam for Kids

Providing basic knowledge of Islam for kids is one of the most honorable responsibilities of parents. It carries tremendous benefits for both parents and children because teaching them about the core beliefs and principles of Islam creates a strong foundation for their faith, helping them to navigate their way through life with confidence and purpose.

Engaging in Islamic studies for kids is essential in this process, as it nurtures their understanding and connection to their faith from an early age.

Basic Islamic Knowledge for Toddlers

If you are a parent who wishes to educate their kids on the basics of Islam, here are some key principles that you need to teach Islam to kids if you want them to establish a strong foundation of belief: 

The Core Beliefs of Islam:

1. Belief in Allah

This is the foundation of all aspects of Islamic belief; the belief in Allah, the one and only worthy of worship. 

This also includes learning about the 99 names of Allah by giving them examples of situations and explaining the meaning of these names. This helps them better connect with their Creator and practice different acts of worship more sincerely.  

2. The Prophets

 Another aspect is teaching them about the Prophets whom Allah sent to humanity to deliver His message. The stories of the prophets provide moral lessons that can help your child develop critical thinking and be better equipped to apply Islamic teachings to their daily lives.

3. The Holy Books

Teaching them about the Holy Books complements previous aspects of belief because it gives them a better understanding of the principles and values of the faith.

4. The Angels

Parents need to teach their kids about the angels and the responsibilities of each one. Naturally, they will tell them about the Angel Gabriel because he was the medium through which revelation was passed on to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. 

Another example is found in the angels that record our actions and deeds which fosters a sense of accountability in your child and motivates them to seek Allah’s pleasure. 

5. The Day of Judgment 

It is always tricky to teach kids about the Day of Judgment because parents must establish a critical balance between making their child look forward to Jannah and also fear Hellfire.

The Pillars of Islam

1. Shahadah

The Shahada or the testimony of faith is the first pillar of Islam which emphasizes the belief in a single God and in Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the messenger of Allah. 

One way to help children wrap their heads around this idea is to use the symbol of making commitments to kindly treat their siblings and friends. 

2. Salah

To form a solid understanding of the second pillar of Islam which is Salah or prayer, you can use numerous methods such as educational videos about the basic movements. 

There are also special prayer mats for children that give them simple instructions on the performance of prayer.

3. Zakat

This pillar is crucial in teaching your child compassion towards their fellow Muslims who are in need. You can give them a small jar in which they put away a part of their allowance for donation at the end of the month.

4. Fasting

Explain the concept of fasting during the month of Ramadan to your child and help them understand the motive behind fasting which is not only abstaining from eating and drinking but also performing self-discipline in other respects such as backbiting and foul speech. 

5. Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Teaching them about the fifth pillar of Islam a hajj. Its is a great opportunity to introduce the Holy Mosques and their significance. It is also a wonderful chance to present concepts such as solidarity and equality.

6. Islamic Values and Morals

The religion of Islam is rich in great values and morals which make Muslims in constant contact with life and gives them the guidelines to find their way through them without losing their moral compass.

Teach your child about the morals of honesty, compassion, kindness, respect, and justice through stories from the Quran or situations of prophets, the companions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, and his followers.

How to Learn Basic Islamic Concepts for Kids?

1. Gradual Learning: Start with Basics and Build Up

One of the most important tips for parents when they are attempting to teach them Islam is to take it step by step because you don’t want to overburden your child with too much information; otherwise, they will get discouraged.

2. Establish a Learning Routine

Routine is crucial in the process of learning as it guarantees elements of discipline and commitment which are essential components of success. Specify a certain time and place for learning to establish a learning routine.  

3. Make Learning Fun and Interactive: Games and Stories

With the use of activities and stories, learning could be made so much fun and engaging for your child leading to a more fruitful learning experience. You can use flashcards or online games to help your child remember certain concepts such as the pillars of Islam.

4. Use Age-Appropriate Material

Choosing the right material to use for teaching your child about Islam is of great significance because you need to use material that is suitable for your child’s age, abilities, and needs.

5. Connect them with the Muslim Community

Take your child to the mosque to take part in congregational prayers and to celebrations of Islamic holidays such as Eid. The effect of this is to connect them with the Muslim community in their neighborhood and enhance the spirit of brotherhood and solidarity. 

6. Set a Good Example

Children are incredibly smart and close observers of their surroundings, especially their parents. Therefore, you need to set a good example for them to follow when it comes to adhering to Islamic teachings. They need to see you perform the acts of worship and behave like good Muslims before they can do so themselves.

7. Incorporate Knowledge into Daily Life

Beware not to give your child the impression that Islamic teachings and values are things to read and listen to only. This knowledge of Islam must go hand in hand with the reality they are living in by pointing out similarities between a situation and the behavior of the Prophet PBUH, for example.

8. Encourage them to Ask Questions

You cannot prevent your child from being inquisitive as they advance in their learning journey of Islam. It is completely the opposite; you should encourage them to ask questions and practice critical thinking when they are learning information that relates to the religion of Islam.

This does not mean that you need to have the answers to all of these questions; you can resort to authentic books or websites for answers or even seek the help of scholars.

9. Reward them for Success

The key to keeping your kids motivated to continue their path toward acquiring knowledge about Islam is encouragement and positive reinforcement. The reward should not take just one form; it could be a gift when they hit a certain milestone or positive words of affirmation and encouragement when they get the answer right


This article highlighted the basic Islamic concepts that you must teach your kids if you want them to develop a thorough understanding of the religion and apply it in a way that would make them active members of the community. Following the tips provided in this article, you will achieve your goal more effectively and make your child a righteous Muslim who practices the knowledge they have learned.